Case Studies

Broadlawns Medical Center

In order to properly serve the community, the Medical Center recognized the need to update and expand the aging medical facilities and the campus organization.

Updat­ing Brand Iden­ti­ty and Sig­nage for Mid­west­ern Med­ical Center

Broad­lawns Med­ical Cen­ter is a pub­lic med­ical cen­ter that serves the health care needs of all Polk Coun­ty, Iowa res­i­dents. In order to prop­er­ly serve the com­mu­ni­ty, the Med­ical Cen­ter rec­og­nized the need to update and expand the aging med­ical facil­i­ties and the cam­pus orga­ni­za­tion. In response to this need, the archi­tect and engi­neer­ing firm Shive-Hat­tery devel­oped a mas­ter plan for Broad­lawns Med­ical Cen­ter which result­ed in a mul­ti-phase addi­tion and ren­o­va­tion con­struc­tion solu­tion for the Med­ical Center.

The project phas­es include updat­ing the infra­struc­ture replace­ment, cre­at­ing a new emer­gency depart­ment and walk-in clin­ic designed for 60,000 annu­al vis­its, a new main entrance and reg­is­tra­tion area, and new three-sto­ry med­ical office build­ing with a con­nect­ing link allow­ing patients, physi­cians, and staff to pass com­fort­ably between the hos­pi­tal and med­ical offices. Because of the ren­o­va­tion and expan­sion work, a new com­pre­hen­sive wayfind­ing plan and archi­tec­tur­al sig­nage solu­tion was need­ed to help guide patients, vis­i­tors and staff through­out the med­ical campus.

About the Solution

ASI was cho­sen to pro­vide a com­plete archi­tec­tur­al sig­nage and wayfind­ing solu­tion for Broad­lawns Med­ical Cen­ter. After eval­u­at­ing the demo­graph­ics of the Med­ical Cen­ter, ASI rec­om­mend­ed a bilin­gual wayfind­ing and mes­sag­ing solu­tion. The sig­nage solu­tion includes cus­tom exte­ri­or sig­nage, dimen­sion­al let­ters and logos, and cus­tom inte­ri­or sig­nage. The cus­tom inte­ri­or sig­nage design for the med­ical cen­ter is based on a trans­par­ent sur­face with a paint­ed sub­sur­face that com­ple­ments the inte­ri­or design and sim­u­lates a glass look. The inte­ri­or sig­nage solu­tion includes ADA-Ready™ room ID sig­nage, direc­to­ries and direc­tion­al signs, sus­pend­ed signs and exam room signs. To rec­og­nize and hon­or finan­cial donors who helped make health care ser­vices pos­si­ble for many Broad­lawns patients, ASI fab­ri­cat­ed and installed a large glass and steel donor recog­ni­tion wall.

Image­First™ fab­ri­cat­ed the cus­tom exte­ri­or sig­nage solu­tion required, replac­ing every sign on the cam­pus. Each cus­tom exte­ri­or sign inte­grates the Broad­lawns brand iden­ti­fi­ca­tion into the design and col­or scheme and pro­vides easy to under­stand wayfind­ing infor­ma­tion to guide traf­fic through­out the med­ical cam­pus. The exte­ri­or sig­nage solu­tion includes entry mono­liths, direc­tion­al signs and large dimen­sion­al let­ters and logos on the façade of the Med­ical Center.

Prod­uct Applications

Dimen­sion­al Let­ters and Logo
Cus­tom Exte­ri­or Signage

Project Part­ners

ASI Sig­nage Inno­va­tions, Iowa

Broadlawns Case Study

Broad­lawns Case Study (343 KB)

Broadlawns Medical Center

Updating Brand Identity and Signage for Midwestern Medical Center

Broad­lawns Med­ical Cen­ter is a pub­lic med­ical cen­ter that serves the health care needs of all Polk Coun­ty, Iowa res­i­dents. In order to prop­er­ly serve the com­mu­ni­ty, the Med­ical Cen­ter rec­og­nized the need to update and expand the aging med­ical facil­i­ties and the cam­pus orga­ni­za­tion. In response to this need, the archi­tect and engi­neer­ing firm Shive-Hat­tery devel­oped a mas­ter plan for Broad­lawns Med­ical Cen­ter which result­ed in a mul­ti-phase addi­tion and ren­o­va­tion con­struc­tion solu­tion for the Med­ical Center.

The project phas­es include updat­ing the infra­struc­ture replace­ment, cre­at­ing a new emer­gency depart­ment and walk-in clin­ic designed for 60,000 annu­al vis­its, a new main entrance and reg­is­tra­tion area, and new three-sto­ry med­ical office build­ing with a con­nect­ing link allow­ing patients, physi­cians, and staff to pass com­fort­ably between the hos­pi­tal and med­ical offices. Because of the ren­o­va­tion and expan­sion work, a new com­pre­hen­sive wayfind­ing plan and archi­tec­tur­al sig­nage solu­tion was need­ed to help guide patients, vis­i­tors and staff through­out the med­ical campus.

About the Solution

ASI was cho­sen to pro­vide a com­plete archi­tec­tur­al sig­nage and wayfind­ing solu­tion for Broad­lawns Med­ical Cen­ter. After eval­u­at­ing the demo­graph­ics of the Med­ical Cen­ter, ASI rec­om­mend­ed a bilin­gual wayfind­ing and mes­sag­ing solu­tion. The sig­nage solu­tion includes cus­tom exte­ri­or sig­nage, dimen­sion­al let­ters and logos, and cus­tom inte­ri­or sig­nage. The cus­tom inte­ri­or sig­nage design for the med­ical cen­ter is based on a trans­par­ent sur­face with a paint­ed sub­sur­face that com­ple­ments the inte­ri­or design and sim­u­lates a glass look. The inte­ri­or sig­nage solu­tion includes ADA-Ready™ room ID sig­nage, direc­to­ries and direc­tion­al signs, sus­pend­ed signs and exam room signs. To rec­og­nize and hon­or finan­cial donors who helped make health care ser­vices pos­si­ble for many Broad­lawns patients, ASI fab­ri­cat­ed and installed a large glass and steel donor recog­ni­tion wall.

Image­First™ fab­ri­cat­ed the cus­tom exte­ri­or sig­nage solu­tion required, replac­ing every sign on the cam­pus. Each cus­tom exte­ri­or sign inte­grates the Broad­lawns brand iden­ti­fi­ca­tion into the design and col­or scheme and pro­vides easy to under­stand wayfind­ing infor­ma­tion to guide traf­fic through­out the med­ical cam­pus. The exte­ri­or sig­nage solu­tion includes entry mono­liths, direc­tion­al signs and large dimen­sion­al let­ters and logos on the façade of the Med­ical Center.

Prod­uct Applications

Dimen­sion­al Let­ters and Logo
Cus­tom Exte­ri­or Signage

Project Part­ners

ASI Sig­nage Inno­va­tions, Iowa

Broadlawns Case StudyBroad­lawns Case Study