Case Studies

CoBiz Financial

CoBiz Financial needed a provider with vast experience and the ability to manage multi-location projects in a short timeframe. CoBiz selected ASI to implement the signage solutions.

Cus­tom Sig­nage for Mul­ti-Loca­tion Banking

CoBiz Finan­cial is a mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar finan­cial com­pa­ny that serves busi­ness­es and high net-worth indi­vid­u­als. CoBiz oper­ates nine com­pa­nies at almost 30 loca­tions in Col­orado and Ari­zona and each loca­tion had very dif­fer­ent sig­nage needs.

Rebrand­ing CoBiz Finan­cial and all of its sub­sidiaries required a brand plat­form that would show con­sis­ten­cy between all loca­tions while allow­ing for intense flex­i­bil­i­ty in sig­nage designs, mate­ri­als and light­ing -- all under a very tight fab­ri­ca­tion and installation

About the Solution

CoBiz Finan­cial need­ed a provider with vast expe­ri­ence and the abil­i­ty to man­age mul­ti-loca­tion projects in a short time­frame. CoBiz select­ed ASI to imple­ment the sig­nage solutions.
Each cus­tom sign type strong­ly fea­tures CoBiz’s new brand iden­ti­ty by incor­po­rat­ing the icon, brand ele­ments, the new logo and new col­or scheme.

The cus­tom exte­ri­or sig­nage that was man­u­fac­tured by Image­First™ includ­ed both illu­mi­nat­ed and non-illu­mi­nat­ed signs such as exte­ri­or pylons, mono­liths, cab­i­net signs, and post and pan­el signs as nec­es­sary and allowed by code at each loca­tion. Each sign incor­po­rates cus­tom shapes, sur­faces and cus­tom col­ors in both paint and vinyl.

For the inte­ri­or sig­nage, ASI pro­vid­ed cus­tom dimen­sion­al let­ters. Vinyl let­ter­ing and appliqués were applied to win­dow sur­faces. Cast bronze plaques were used at one loca­tion to update a his­toric location’s entrance.
The biggest chal­lenge faced in the project was the fast pace. The scope called for 12 loca­tions to be installed with­in the first week to kick off the rebranding.

Prod­uct Applications

Cus­tom Alu­minum Exte­ri­or Signage
Dimen­sion­al Letters
Vinyl Lettering
Cast Bronze Plaque

Project Part­ners

ASI Sig­nage Inno­va­tions, Colorado

CoBiz Case Study CoBiz Case Study (241 KB)