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LEDs for Outdoor Signage: Out with the fluorescent, in with the LEDs.

In recent years, the use of LED lighting has revolutionized the signage industry. With their versatility, energy efficiency, and low maintenance requirements, LED retrofit modules and systems have become the go-to choices for upgrading neon and fluorescent lighting systems on signs.

3 Strengths LEDs Bring For Your Channel Letter Projects

Ver­sa­tile and Effi­cient LED retro­fit mod­ules are a flex­i­ble and con­ve­nient solu­tion for upgrad­ing chan­nel let­ter projects. These mod­ules come in var­i­ous sizes, out­puts, mod­ule spac­ing, and light beam angles, ensur­ing a per­fect fit for dif­fer­ent sign types.

Strengths of LED mod­ules in Chan­nel Letters:

  1. Ver­sa­til­i­ty: LED mod­ules can be eas­i­ly cut and installed to suit spe­cif­ic sig­nage requirements.
  2. Ener­gy Sav­ings: LED tech­nol­o­gy offers ener­gy sav­ings rang­ing from 40% to over 90% com­pared to tra­di­tion­al light­ing sources, result­ing in reduced oper­at­ing costs and a green­er footprint.
  3. Reduced Main­te­nance Costs: Unlike flu­o­res­cent lamps that require fre­quent re-lamp­ing, LEDs have a longer lifes­pan, min­i­miz­ing main­te­nance efforts and expenses.

2 Advantages to Replacing Fluorescent Lighting in Cabinet Signs

There are LED retro­fit sys­tems specif­i­cal­ly designed for replac­ing flu­o­res­cent light­ing in sign cab­i­nets. These can be installed direct­ly or fab­ri­cat­ed in advance, reduc­ing instal­la­tion time and cater­ing to the needs of ser­vice-ori­ent­ed sign shops.

Key Advan­tages to Using LEDs in Mon­u­ment Signs:

  1. Effi­cient Instal­la­tion: Pre­fab­ri­cat­ed com­po­nents, such as false backs and test­ed LEDs, in the shop stream­lines the on-site instal­la­tion process, sav­ing time and min­i­miz­ing costs.
  2. Enhanced Per­for­mance: LED retro­fit sys­tems ensure improved bright­ness, uni­for­mi­ty, and longevi­ty com­pared to tra­di­tion­al flu­o­res­cent light­ing, result­ing in visu­al­ly appeal­ing and durable signage.

LED retro­fitting has trans­formed the sig­nage indus­try, offer­ing busi­ness­es the oppor­tu­ni­ty to enhance their brand vis­i­bil­i­ty while reduc­ing ener­gy con­sump­tion and main­te­nance costs. By part­ner­ing with Image­First Signs, pow­ered by Prin­ci­pal LED as our main LED sup­pli­er, busi­ness­es can ben­e­fit from expert advice, high-qual­i­ty LED solu­tions, and effi­cient man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es. Illu­mi­nate your sig­nage with the pow­er of LED tech­nol­o­gy and watch your busi­ness shine brightly.

Have Ques­tions? Want to dis­cuss fur­ther?
Con­tact us at Image­First today to dis­cuss your LED retro­fitting needs.