ImageFirst News

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Projecting Signage. 3 Reasons to Love & 4 Tips for Great Results

The projecting sign could arguably be the best type of sign.

The pro­ject­ing sign could arguably be the best type of sign. 

3 Rea­sons Why We Love Pro­ject­ing Signage: 

  1. Space sav­ing in big cities where you can’t do a mon­u­ment sign with dou­ble the brand­ing real estate because it’s dou­ble sided.
  2. Installed direct­ly onto your build­ing (ide­al­ly near the entrance) which results in nat­ur­al wayfind­ing.
  3. Oppor­tu­ni­ty for eye catch­ing graph­ics with brand­ing in ver­ti­cal ori­en­ta­tion and the oppor­tu­ni­ty to inte­grate some his­tor­i­cal aspects (some­thing a lit­tle dif­fer­ent is usu­al­ly more noticeable). 

4 Tips To A Great Pro­ject­ing Sign: 

1. Great design needs to include a smart logo and/​or copy.

These are ver­ti­cal­ly ori­ent­ed signs. Keep in mind your logo and/​or name needs to be pur­pose­ly designed to be ver­ti­cal. Not all names/​logos work well on this type of sign. Try the graph­ics a few dif­fer­ent ways, maybe mak­ing vis­i­tors turn their head side­ways to read isn’t the best…but maybe it is? 

2. Dou­ble the sides, dou­ble the fun.

The return on invest­ment for this type of sign is great just due to the fact that you are able to rep­re­sent your brand on BOTH sides, from two direc­tions. Keep this in mind with your client’s logo/​name/​graphics.

3. Keep vis­i­bil­i­ty at the forefront. 

This type of sign nat­u­ral­ly has a great view­ing dis­tance, due to the pro­jec­tion of it and it’s raised ele­va­tion. Thus, copy and graph­ics may need to be larg­er in size so it can be prop­er­ly viewed at the dis­tance it needs to be. 

4. Instal­la­tion is key. Hire a great team. 

This can be a lit­tle trick­i­er but with prop­er plan­ning it’ll be a breeze. Depend­ing on the size, the mount­ing must tie into the build­ing struc­ture. This is due to the nature of this type of sign, wind load effects pro­ject­ing signs dif­fer­ent­ly because it effects both sides. Brack­ets and brac­ing need more atten­tion and rein­force­ment than oth­er types of signs.
Instal­la­tion and busy streets, block­ing streets in busy sub­ur­ban. With great plan­ning and coor­di­na­tion the onsite install is typ­i­cal­ly quick with mount­ing tem­plates and anchor bolts.

Pro Tip: Always remem­ber to check with local sign code pri­or to design and fab­ri­ca­tion of all signage.

*Spe­cial thanks” to ASI Sig­nage, New Orleans and ASI Sig­nage, Latimer Group for shar­ing their install pic­tures with us!

Have ques­tions or want to see more?
Shoot us an email at info@​imagefirstsigns.​com.