ImageFirst News

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Why Interior Signage? Why now?

So, you’ve probably heard the news, we are going to start selling a high-quality interior signage product.

Why now, you might ask?
We con­stant­ly strive to inno­vate at Image­First™ and feel this is a new way that we can offer our exist­ing and new clients not only a qual­i­ty cre­ative prod­uct, but also a way to get both your inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or sig­nage in one place. 

Begin­ning this Spring, Image­First™ is launch­ing two inte­ri­or sig­nage fam­i­lies, Aura and Valere.

Aura, a qual­i­ty that sur­rounds you, is the name of our curved-face line. With a slight­ly curved face the sign stands off sub­tly from the wall and brings some dimen­sion to any envi­ron­ment.  Valere, Latin for strength & ver­sa­til­i­ty, is a tra­di­tion­al flat-faced sign that has a clean and sim­ple design that tran­scends time easily. 

Both fam­i­lies start with an alu­minum extru­sion that makes them super durable, con­sis­tent, and sleek. While cus­tomiza­tion is pos­si­ble, we have select­ed two designs for each sign fam­i­ly to help sim­pli­fy the order­ing process. The array of sign types and fin­ish­ing touch­es allow the sig­nage to fit most any envi­ron­ment. From stair­wells to direc­tion­als to per­son­al­ized offices and more, we’ll have you covered.

Where are we at on this?

We are fin­ish­ing up pro­to­types and putting the final touch­es on the web­site which includes the designs, all sign types, and online quote sub­mis­sion. Soon we will have .pdf prod­uct sheets that we can cus­tomize or pro­vide to you for your cus­tomiza­tion with your logo and con­tact infor­ma­tion. Sam­ples will also be com­ing short­ly for those that have inter­est in offer­ing these lines to your clients.

Mes­sage us to be on the list for doc­u­ments and sam­ples. kelly@​imagefirstsigns.​com