Case Studies

Children's Hospital & Medical Center

In 2008, Children’s Hospital & Medical Center embarked on a brand change throughout its network of physician medical offices and the central hospital. ASI was selected to be the long-term turn-key solution partner to implement the change for all of the locations.

Design-Build Sig­nage Solu­tion Pro­motes Brand Iden­ti­ty for Mid­west­ern Children’s Hospital

Children’s Hos­pi­tal & Med­ical Cen­ter of Oma­ha is based on the com­mit­ment that no child in need of med­ical care would be turned away due to an inabil­i­ty to pay. Today, fam­i­lies from across the mid­west region and beyond seek the expe­ri­ence and exper­tise of Children’s Hos­pi­tal & Med­ical Cen­ter, and the hos­pi­tal staff responds by pro­vid­ing care to more than 250,000 chil­dren each year. In 2008, Children’s Hos­pi­tal & Med­ical Cen­ter embarked on a brand change through­out its net­work of physi­cian med­ical offices and the cen­tral hos­pi­tal. ASI was select­ed to be the long-term turn-key solu­tion part­ner to imple­ment the change for all of the loca­tions. In addi­tion, in 2010, Children’s expand­ed its main cam­pus by adding a new five-sto­ry Children’s Spe­cial­ty Pedi­atric Cen­ter along with a three-sto­ry under­ground park­ing struc­ture, which was designed by the archi­tec­tur­al firm HDR, Inc.

About the Solution

The most impor­tant aspect ASI took into con­sid­er­a­tion when design­ing the Children’s Hos­pi­tal sig­nage solu­tion was the soft, curved archi­tec­tur­al design of the exte­ri­or façade and the inte­ri­or space. Through­out the exist­ing hos­pi­tal space, ASI had already used cus­tom Pacif­ic Inte­ri­or™, a mod­u­lar curved-face sig­nage sys­tem. The shape and design com­ple­ment­ed the new inte­ri­or space and Pacific’s mod­u­lar func­tion­al­i­ty allows for easy updates to graph­ic pan­els with­out replac­ing the entire sign. The inte­ri­or design theme for the new pedi­atrics cen­ter includes rib­bons of col­or that are imple­ment­ed in the décor through col­or­ful envi­ron­men­tal graph­ics and col­ored mate­ri­als and dec­o­ra­tions. The rib­bons are part of an intu­itive wayfind­ing solu­tion for patients and vis­tiors to fol­low while nav­i­gat­ing their way from depart­ment to department.

ASI inter­grat­ed this rib­bon design into the Pacif­ic Inte­ri­or™ solu­tion by adding a dimen­sion­al accent bar and rib­bon-like graph­ics to the head­er pan­el of select signs. As part of the inte­ri­or solu­tion, ASI pro­vid­ed donor recog­ni­tion sig­nage as well as dynam­ic dig­i­tal sig­nage directories.

In addi­tion to pro­vid­ing inte­ri­or sig­nage, Image­First™ fab­ri­cat­ed a com­pre­hen­sive exte­ri­or sig­nage and wayfind­ing solu­tion for the hos­pi­tal. Not only did the expan­sion and brand change require a new sig­nage design solu­tion, the new con­struc­tion efforts cre­at­ed major chal­lenges to the traf­fic flow and it trans­formed the land­scrap­ing and the lay­out of the mas­ter-planned cam­pus. These changes meant that ASI would need to eval­u­ate and update the wayfind­ing plan to ensure patients, vis­i­tors and staff enter­ing the cam­pus would be able to find their way to the right place at the right time effi­cient­ly as possible.

The fin­ished cus­tom exte­ri­or design solu­tion inter­gates curves and soft, friend­ly col­ors as well as the Hospital’s new brand iden­ti­ty into each sign. The cus­tom exte­ri­or direc­tion­al mono­liths are inter­nal­ly illu­mi­nat­ed to ensure the impor­tant wayfind­ing infor­ma­tion can be vis­i­ble day or night, and the curved pan­els and lay­er­ing effec­tive­ly com­ple­ments the archi­tec­tur­al design of the hos­pi­tal. The cus­tom dimen­sion­al logo on the top façade of the build­ing acts as a bea­con to guide peo­ple to the facil­i­ty from miles away while the ground lev­el dimen­sion­al logo at the main entrance wel­comes anx­ious par­ents and chil­dren into the hos­pi­tal entrance.

The com­plete solu­tion suc­cess­ful­ly merges brand iden­ti­ty, wayfind­ing and archi­tec­tur­al fea­tures which allows the med­ical staff to focus on the care giv­ing and leave the requests for direc­tions behind.

Prod­uct Applications

Cus­tom Exte­ri­or Signage
Dimen­sion­al Let­ters and Logo

Project Part­ners

ASI Sig­nage Inno­va­tions, Nebraska

Children's Hospital Case Study Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal Case Study (275 KB)