Case Studies

Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden

The Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden needed a signage system to educate and inform visitors to the IAMS Animal Wellness Plaza about animal physiology and health.

Inter­ac­tive Sig­nage for Zoo Visitors

Cincin­nati Zoo & Botan­i­cal Garden’s IAMS Ani­mal Well­ness Plaza links the new state-of-the-art W. Row­ell Chase Ani­mal Hos­pi­tal with the Carl H. Lind­ner Jr. Fam­i­ly Cen­ter for Con­ser­va­tion and Research of Endan­gered Wildlife (CREW). The plaza is a gath­er­ing place for zoo vis­i­tors and fea­tures exhibits cel­e­brat­ing the impor­tant rela­tion­ship between ani­mal health, nutri­tion and the sci­ence con­duct­ed at the zoo.

The Cincin­nati Zoo & Botan­i­cal Gar­den need­ed a sig­nage sys­tem to edu­cate and inform vis­i­tors to the IAMS Ani­mal Well­ness Plaza about ani­mal phys­i­ol­o­gy and health. The zoo want­ed the sig­nage to be vibrant and fun for every­one regard­less of age. Because the sig­nage would be locat­ed out­doors and in a high traf­fic area, the solu­tion need­ed to be durable. Addi­tion­al­ly, a wayfind­ing post and ban­ner solu­tion need­ed to be designed to be attached to the vault­ed deck that leads peo­ple from the main zoo into the IAMS Ani­mal Well­ness Plaza.

About the Solution

ASI worked with the Cincin­nati Zoo on two pre­vi­ous projects, includ­ing the inte­ri­or sig­nage and exte­ri­or dimen­sion­al let­ter­ing of the W. Row­ell Chase Ani­mal Hos­pi­tal. When made aware of the IAMS Ani­mal Well­ness Plaza project, ASI began to offer options that would sat­is­fy the needs of the Zoo, offer an inno­v­a­tive solu­tion and meet the Zoo’s budget. 

ASI intro­duced the Zoo to a kiosk solu­tion with the abil­i­ty to dis­play crisp pho­tog­ra­phy and vibrant col­ors. The kiosks are extreme­ly durable to with­stand the out­side ele­ments and the high-traf­fic envi­ron­ment – not to men­tion excit­ed, curi­ous children. 

ASI part­nered with the Cincin­nati Zoo to devel­op the ele­ments to be incor­po­rat­ed into each kiosk. The kiosks fea­ture ani­mal pho­tos and fun, inter­ac­tive aspects includ­ing: Record­ed heart­beats of the fea­tured ani­mals A drum for vis­i­tors to try to dupli­cate the record­ed heart­beats A spin­ning dial to con­nect the ani­mal to the appro­pri­ate food pyra­mid Flip pan­els to expose the ani­mal with a brief descrip­tion and geo­graph­i­cal loca­tion A mon­key toy” to repli­cate the actu­al treat dis­pens­ing puz­zle used by the pri­mates Mem­o­ry foam to com­pare adult and baby human hands to a pic­ture of adult and baby pri­mate hands

Image­First™ fab­ri­cat­ed the cus­tom main ID for the area, the dig­i­tal kiosks, the gar­den stand and donor plaque, as well as the cus­tom posts for the vibrant­ly col­ored ban­ners that lead vis­i­tors to the IAMS Well­ness Plaza. The posts required spe­cial­ly designed brack­ets that mount­ed them to the vault­ed deck.

Prod­uct Applications

Cus­tom Exte­ri­or Inter­ac­tive Kiosks
Dimen­sion­al Lettering
Cus­tom Posts for Banners
Cus­tom Gar­den Stand & Donor Plaque
Cus­tom Main ID Signage

Project Part­ners

ASI Sig­nage Inno­va­tions, Ohio

Cincinnati Zoo Case Study Cincin­nati Zoo Case Study (384 KB)