Case Studies

Manufacturing Citywide Monument Signage

Partnering with our friends at Latitude Signage + Design we achieved an authentic wood-look using powder coated aluminum. Check it out!

Work­ing with con­cep­tu­al designs our team con­sult­ed to col­lab­o­rate on the best mate­ri­als, siz­ing, LED place­ment, stand­offs, mount­ing, and more. 

These eye catch­ing signs use a pow­der coat­ed fin­ish on alu­minum to achieve the wood-look” AND being out­door rat­ed. The rolling hill aspect of all of the mon­u­ment signs use a CNC rout­ed alu­minum stand­off. These are a great exam­ple of a rather sim­ple mon­u­ment sign that is ele­vat­ed using unique mate­ri­als and dimension.

The sim­pler grey mon­u­ment signs are a great way to iden­ti­fy spe­cif­ic city build­ings while sav­ing some bud­get with stan­dard paint­ed fin­ish­es. The com­bi­na­tion of wood and grey signs, of sim­i­lar design, are a great way to tie togeth­er a sign fam­i­ly and stay in budget. 

Last­ly the unique donor mon­u­ment uses the same design aspects and mate­ri­als while achiev­ing a flex­i­ble design to add future donors. 

Have ques­tions on this project? Reach out today!