Case Studies

Fieldhouse Signage Welcomes Athletes and Fans

Re-branding to the "Riverhawks" and a $26 million dollar fieldhouse meant an opportunity to help make a big impact as visitors enter the new fieldhouse.

In the realm of edu­ca­tion­al insti­tu­tions, trans­for­ma­tion isn’t just about phys­i­cal infra­struc­ture; it’s about cre­at­ing an envi­ron­ment that inspires excel­lence, fos­ters a sense of pride, and fuels the aspi­ra­tions of future gen­er­a­tions. Mason City High School has embarked on a jour­ney of rebrand­ing and ath­let­ic enhance­ment, redefin­ing what it means to be a school deeply root­ed in his­to­ry yet mov­ing into the future.

Spear­head­ed by the new­ly chris­tened River­hawks,” the school embarked on a remark­able jour­ney, rais­ing funds to erect a state-of-the-art field­house, weight room, and natatorium. 

Go Big or Go Home

The icon­ic Mason City High School” let­ter­ing greets vis­i­tors. These bot­tom-mount­ed chan­nel let­ters stand three feet tall and span over fifty-four feet across. The back-lit illu­mi­nat­ed red let­ters cast cap­ti­vat­ing sil­hou­ettes that stand out, espe­cial­ly after dark. Mean­while, the exte­ri­or of the Field­house boasts anoth­er set of chan­nel let­ters read­ing River­hawk Ath­let­ics” in stark black let­ters with halo back­lit illumination. 

Have a sig­nage project that’s ambi­tious, has an intri­cate design, or needs to be installed on a unique sur­face? We can help! 

Part­ner­ing with your team to deliv­er great sig­nage is what we do.
Con­tact us anytime!