Case Studies

Creating Corporate Signage in a Collaborative Style: Wholesale Architectural Signage

Nick Nelson shares how the collaborative style of the Lely project makes everyone look good in the end.

We’ve learned through­out the years, work­ing hand in hand with our sig­nage part­ners is key to a suc­cess­ful project for all par­ties. This project was no dif­fer­ent. Nick Nel­son shares some of the details around the whole­sale sig­nage for the agri­cul­tur­al com­pa­ny, Lely’s North Amer­i­can Head­quar­ters.

Engineering Pole Mounted Channel Letter Signage

Pole-mount­ed chan­nel let­ters in an open field are not some­thing that is built every day. This unique design would need to be cus­tom-built for the look they want­ed while also able to with­stand the ele­ments of the environment. 

I came up with the sig­nage pro­duc­tion detail of what our team believed would work best. We then sent it to our engi­neer­ing part­ner for review. The engi­neer reviews soil con­di­tions, wind speed, and many oth­er tech­ni­cal aspects to ensure the way we design is the way we can build the sig­nage to hold up to the con­di­tions at the final instal­la­tion loca­tion. Luck­i­ly, the engi­neer came back with min­i­mal changes so we were good to go” said Nick. 

For this unique appli­ca­tion, we brought in our sign client and their install crew to coor­di­nate how the sig­nage is being built to best ensure smooth trans­port and instal­la­tion. When you can get buy-in from the peo­ple who touch it last, we’re giv­en ideas to make their jobs eas­i­er on the man­u­fac­tur­ing side.” 

In the end, the sign spans more than 83 feet and each let­ter is almost 5-foot tall. Each let­ter is sup­port­ed by a steel tube that can with­stand high winds. The fab­ri­cat­ed base hous­es the elec­tri­cal com­po­nents need­ed to illu­mi­nate the let­ters. The alu­minum let­ters are 12-inch­es deep. The face is made from a 3/16-inch white translu­cent poly­car­bon­ate with inter­nal white LED illu­mi­na­tion that real­ly makes the chan­nel let­ters pop at night.

Manufacturing Logo Signage for a Glass Installation

Sim­i­lar to the let­ters above, this was a coor­di­nat­ed effort. Col­lab­o­rat­ing with our client and the gen­er­al con­trac­tor on the project it was impor­tant to coor­di­nate the ¼” knife plates pro­vid­ed by the win­dow com­pa­ny. The 22-foot wide logos are built on an alu­minum tube-type race­way, in four pieces, and con­nect­ed with 16 knife plates built into the mul­lions of the window. 

We just had to make sure our mount­ing loca­tions hit those knife plates pre­cise­ly. Our role was to ensure the absolute accu­ra­cy of hit­ting a ¼” knife plate that projects 1-½” out from the build­ing. So obvi­ous­ly details are key to installing this 159”x252” logo on glass installation.”

The sec­ond logo direct­ly mount­ed to the build­ing is the same size, illu­mi­nat­ed, and vis­i­ble from the highway.

Keep it Simple: Monument Signage

The mon­u­ment sig­nage on this project is more basic. The mon­u­ment near the entrance is illu­mi­nat­ed and the rest have reflec­tive graph­ics. These sim­ple mon­u­ment signs direct­ly reflect the lin­ear archi­tec­ture of the build­ing and work per­fect­ly for this application. 

Let’s Roll Up Our Sleeves

Need a part­ner that has your best inter­est in mind? We’ve got you cov­ered. Let’s col­lab­o­rate and make your client hap­py. Con­tact us today.