Case Studies

Leyden Township

“I think ImageFirst did a great job, from bidding to completion of the project,” said Joseph Petrungaro, of Petrungaro & Associates. “Scott and Dave were excellent to work with and did everything within their power to make sure the job was a success.”

End User: Ley­den Town­ship, Illi­nois
Project Man­ag­er: Petrun­garo & Asso­ciates
Signs:Cus­tom Lega­cy Alu­minum with Dig­i­tal Mes­sage Cen­ters
# of Signs: 2

Image­First Makes Dynam­ic Signs Easy for Ley­den Township

When Ley­den Town­ship asked for bids to replace a Town Hall sign and a build a new Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter sign, they were hop­ing for a good price. What they received was true val­ue with a part­ner that han­dled every aspect of their project, from the design of both signs through their instal­la­tion. ImageFirst’s val­ue start­ed even before the project began, as the only sign com­pa­ny to pro­vide com­plete draw­ings along with the bid.

I think Image­First did a great job, from bid­ding to com­ple­tion of the project,” said Joseph Petrun­garo, of Petrun­garo & Asso­ciates. Scott and Dave were excel­lent to work with and did every­thing with­in their pow­er to make sure the job was a success.”

The designs includ­ed two cus­tom-built Lega­cy alu­minum signs com­plete with dig­i­tal mes­sage cen­ters. So instead of requir­ing an employ­ee to han­dle the plas­tic let­ters of the old-fash­ioned change­able signs of the past, a com­put­er does all the work, send­ing mes­sages and even graph­ics to the LCD screen. While the Town Hall sign was hard-wired direct­ly to the com­mu­ni­ca­tions sys­tem, the Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter sign was locat­ed far enough away that direct wiring was imprac­ti­cal. The solu­tion? Image­First cre­at­ed the Com­mu­ni­ty Cen­ter sign with wire­less capa­bil­i­ties for a no-has­sle link to the com­put­er system.

That atti­tude of ensur­ing the project was effort­less for the com­mu­ni­ty con­tin­ued through­out the rest of the project. Image­First con­tact­ed the Depart­ment of Trans­porta­tion to close off the high­way for the instal­la­tion, arranged the instal­la­tion and attend­ed to a myr­i­ad of details that result­ed in a tru­ly flaw­less process.

The fin­ished prod­uct turned out to be what myself, and more impor­tant­ly the rep­re­sen­ta­tives of Ley­den Town­ship, were look­ing for. They have told me on many occa­sions how pleased they are with the signs. 

Joseph Petrungaro 

Leyden Township Case Study Ley­den Town­ship Case Study (134 KB)