End User: Leyden Township, Illinois
Project Manager: Petrungaro & Associates
Signs:Custom Legacy Aluminum with Digital Message Centers
# of Signs: 2
When Leyden Township asked for bids to replace a Town Hall sign and a build a new Community Center sign, they were hoping for a good price. What they received was true value with a partner that handled every aspect of their project, from the design of both signs through their installation. ImageFirst’s value started even before the project began, as the only sign company to provide complete drawings along with the bid.
“I think ImageFirst did a great job, from bidding to completion of the project,” said Joseph Petrungaro, of Petrungaro & Associates. “Scott and Dave were excellent to work with and did everything within their power to make sure the job was a success.”
The designs included two custom-built Legacy aluminum signs complete with digital message centers. So instead of requiring an employee to handle the plastic letters of the old-fashioned changeable signs of the past, a computer does all the work, sending messages and even graphics to the LCD screen. While the Town Hall sign was hard-wired directly to the communications system, the Community Center sign was located far enough away that direct wiring was impractical. The solution? ImageFirst created the Community Center sign with wireless capabilities for a no-hassle link to the computer system.
That attitude of ensuring the project was effortless for the community continued throughout the rest of the project. ImageFirst contacted the Department of Transportation to close off the highway for the installation, arranged the installation and attended to a myriad of details that resulted in a truly flawless process.
The finished product turned out to be what myself, and more importantly the representatives of Leyden Township, were looking for. They have told me on many occasions how pleased they are with the signs.
Joseph Petrungaro
Leyden Township Case Study (134 KB)