ImageFirst News

Friday, February 21, 2020

Calling All Sign Experts. Work Smarter, Not Harder in 2020.

It's the first quarter, and you’re asking yourself: How can I work smarter & not harder in 2020? Am I right?

So, how can a part­ner like Image­First™ Signs make your job eas­i­er? Well, we’re pulling back the cur­tains and giv­ing you: (insert ta-daa” music here)

3 Ways We Can Help Make Your Job in Sig­nage Eas­i­er for 2020 

1. Options for your con­cept to share with your client, to win the deal.

You need options to present? We’ve got them and most like­ly a pic­ture or expla­na­tion to go along with them. It’s ok if you don’t know all the answers, you’ve got us and we’re here to help. We’ll hap­pi­ly jump on the phone with you and/​or your client.

2. Exper­tise to make you a cham­pi­on with your clients.

We can/​will help you decide which size of let­ter works best for your loca­tion so that you opti­mize vis­i­bil­i­ty and read­abil­i­ty to your customers.
We can/​will guide you on the dif­fer­ent LED sources avail­able on the mar­ket and help you fig­ure out the best light­ing solu­tion for your application.
We can/​will help you with wind loads and engineering.

3. Pride for the work you’re deliv­er­ing to your clients. 

We share pride like tic tacs around here. The pride we have in our work, peo­ple, and prod­ucts cre­ate pride in your peo­ple and clients too!
We’re sign nerds. We love what we do. We enjoy col­lab­o­ra­tion on design and best fab­ri­ca­tion prac­tices to fit your bud­get. We take pride in what we build and we make sure that you are proud to dis­play your product. 

Ready to work smarter and not hard­er in 2020?
Let us know how we can help by email­ing us at info@​imagefirstsigns.​com